Thursday, April 26, 2012

Charge Forward!


US Soldiers charging forward in the German base.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Nazi Supersoldier

 The German Base

Nazi Supersoldier

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The portrait of South Korean soldier

oil on canvas
20" x 24"

Korean lieutenant major.



Nazi experiment in a super soldier

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Crack Down


I've painted the demonstration in the early 1980s in Korea. At that time, there were lots of protests against the military government. Many students had joined in these protests, and they were brutally suppressed by special riot polimen called Skeleton troops. I tried to describe this situation.



Propaganda for South Korean Army. "For the glorious united Koreas. Let's be fully prepared to fight the North Korea aggressors until the end!"


Korean Army Poster

oil on canvas
35" x 28"

I did for this to take part in the first military art competition hosted by the Korean army. If selected, I could be awared by the Army Chief of Staff. It was the great competition, and I longed for it. Sadly, this wasn't accepted after all. I spent much time doing this work for summer vacation in Korea though. I got disappointed so much about this fail, but it was a good experience to me.